As some dishes are seasonal this menu is subject to change. Booking is essential. 3 courses and a cocktail for £35
Marmalade Cocktail
Potted Beef & Bacon with Yorkshires
Doddington Caesar
Beetroot & Hazelnut Salad with horseradish crème fraîche
35 Day Aged Native Breed Ribeye
55 Day Aged Native Breed Rump
Royal Bream with garlic, rosemary & chilli
Ash-baked Celeriac with butter-roasted mushrooms & spelt
Plus one side:
Sticky Toffee Pudding with clotted cream
Peanut Butter Shortbread with salted caramel ice cream
Plum Tart with vanilla ice cream
We cannot guarantee the absence of traces of nuts or other allergens. Please advise a member of staff if you have any particular dietary requirements. HAWKSMOOR AT HOME is available for £20, all proceeds go to Action Against Hunger. An optional 12.5% service charge will be applied to your bill, all of which goes to the staff.
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